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Author(s):      Veikko Halttunen, Markus Makkonen, Lauri Frank
ISBN:      978-972-8939-46-5
Editors:      Piet Kommers and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2011
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Digital music, music download stores, non-usage
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      221
Last Page:      228
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The consumption of digital music has increased rapidly during the past decade. Despite the optimistic visions that have appeared since the beginning of the 2000s, only a small proportion of the business opportunities have actualised and been successful. Instead, the music industry has faced several problems, especially the prevalence of digital piracy. However, digital piracy is not the only problem. Several studies have also shown that music download stores have not succeeded to meet the consumers’ fundamental needs, wants and expectations. In this paper, we provide an analysis of the reasons for not using music download stores. There were two objectives for the study. First, we aimed to find out the primary and secondary reasons for the non-usage of music download stores. Second, we were interested in whether there are some dependencies between the reasons for the non-usage and the two demographic factors that are often included in technology adoption studies, namely gender and age. The research is based on an online survey conducted in June 2010. A total of 1 447 complete and valid responses were included in the preliminary analysis, in which the respondents were first classified as either adopters or non-adopters of music download stores. Next, 1 034 non-adopters’ responses were included in the further analysis of the reasons for the non-usage. The results show that the adoption of music download stores may be low because (1) people still want a physical product, (2) they do not buy music in general, or (3) they are used to acquire their music elsewhere. Partially these and other reasons of a lesser importance are intertwined, which suggests that further studies are necessary. The study also revealed a number of dependencies between the demographic factors and the selected reasons. These findings were in line with earlier studies.

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